joi, 6 octombrie 2016

Being & Doing, Part 1 Secret Outlet page at SimplyBe
2013 08 30 2nd journal, Mayan day 9 Eb / Road NOTE: FOR LIVE LINKS OPEN WRITTEN JOURNAL - these are for info, only :) What Happens When I Stop Doing? 1 of 2 -- Adyashanti Abraham Hicks - You don't have to fix your problems, nor can you Written Journal Intro: As I've been sharing, it's been -- and is -- an odd time for me. The journals display that, both in their presence and their absence. For instance, I noted when saving the one I wrote yesterday that it had been ten days since I last wrote one. That's a huge span, once unimaginable to me. So many old ideas have been breaking down, lately, as I watch their opposite manifesting -- just quietly watching, observing, sometimes wondering, but not always. It all just is what it is, and it's not my job to run the world or to change it. My job, if you will, is to simply be -- to be me, even without knowing what that is...

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