sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2019

GSM Cracking: VMware ESXi Server - Software Defined Radio Series #12

https://bit.ly/2sbx7Wa See the secret sale page at Djsoft.
In this video I talk about selecting the right server for GSM cracking, and show how to install VMware ESXi from the OVH control panel. Initially I thought about using Amazon or Linode, but their storage prices are very high once you get into terabytes (TB), and on top of that, if you download/upload 1.6TB of data, it's going to be very very very expensive, compared to that you can get better specs at a much lower price at other providers. Topics covered: - Selecting the right server to use for GSM cracking - Installing VMware ESXi from the OVH control panel Stay tuned and subscribe for more upcoming videos showing actual hacks! Twitter: @CrazyDaneHacker Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crazydanishhacker Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/crazydanishhacker

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