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Listen to the full episode with John McIntyre here: In this episode we speak with John McIntyre, of Drop Dead Copy. John and I discuss how you can integrate an effective Email Autoresponder into your Content Marketing strategy. So, join us and sit back, get ready to take down some notes and enjoy this weeks episode. Recap of the video: 00:00 Jake Hower: Yeah definitely. All right well let's move down into the actual auto responders then. What's the typical structure of an auto responder sequence that you're setting up? 00:09 John McIntyre: The ones I do for clients are usually ten emails. We usually send them, it will depend on the situation and the context, but usually every three days. It will be ... the first thing I will say, hey welcome to, depending on whether it's corporate or a personal style kind of thing, I might say "Hey welcome to the family." I can actually bring up my template. So the first thing I will say something like, "Welcome to the family. Hey John here. First of all you're in. Welcome to the Drop Dead Copy Crash Course which from now onwards I'll refer to as DDC. Real glad you're here. Before I start I have a question for you. What's the most important thing in marketing in 2013? Think about the answer. I doubt you'll even get close but give it a shot. I'll give you the answer in another email." 00:51 What I've done right there is created an open loop which is going to make them ... it's going to create tension so they're more likely to read my future emails. The rest of the email essentially just preps them, kind of sets the stage. I might say ask them a couple of questions like that then I might say, "I'm going to be sending you some information about auto responders so you're going to learn some really valuable stuff about how to write subject lines that get opened" or how to write emails that really build a solid relationship, or how to get people to actually click or how to get people to reply to emails with these special questions. Or what questions you can ask your audience that will get you valuable information on what you need to say to them to get them to buy something. That's what I'll kind of set the stage for in the first email. Then the next email two or three or ten is just delivering that value. Whatever I told them I'm going to give them. 01:43 Jake Hower: That value that you're delivering, is that generally ... is it simply just value that they're going to derive from the actual email or are you directing them to, I don't know, that content which you've already potentially produced on site or something like that? 01:55 John McIntyre: There's no right answer here. I think most people seem to think there's an exact recipe but there's not. The crucial thing is if you're helping someone. I read a forum thread this morning and someone said to me, someone posted the question that they had just ... they were getting more opt-ins right, so they were getting more signers so they were happy with that. But they wanted to sell them faster so they weren't happy with the fact that they were presenting someone with a sales pitch after they'd signed up and they wanted to sell them faster. I can't ... I can't understand that because if they don't ... if they don't know who this person is in the first place they're not going to sign up faster and if someone tries to sell them straight up they're leaving a huge amount of money on the table so what really needs to happen and what most people don't do is they need to create value and help these people solve their problems before they can sell them something. 02:40 There's an element of trust that has to be created. Jay Abraham calls this, this is in another video I think I've done, is the strategy of pre-eminence which is you want to become your prospect's most trusted advisor. So when they think about I want to learn ... I need to talk to someone about auto responders I want them to think well John is the Auto Responder Guy and I really trust him. I like him. He's the guy I want to speak to and the only way to do that is by giving them value. So with that in mind when it comes to emails and what you put in them it's about value. That can be my blog post or my videos, that can be other people. I'll send people to YouTube videos sometimes. I will just include the content in the email. But the central overriding factor has to happen, preferably in every single email is that you're helping this person one way or another. Get Free Video Training To Help You Dominate YouTube!
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