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Note: This video has no sound This flyover is of a massing model diagram which is a generic representation of how the Wastewater Treatment Plant could fit onto the McLoughlin Point site. It does not represent the final architectural design. The final design will be completed by the successful proponent of the competitive procurement process for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and will conform to the Design Guidelines approved by the Esquimalt Council and which are now contained in Esquimalt's Official Community Plan. What you will see in the flyover: 00:01 -- 00:06 --A thin red line surrounds the site showing the property line. A thicker red line on the left side of the screen shows the 4.5 meter gap between the north property line and any buildings. This has been put in place to comply with the rezoning bylaw. 00:06 -- 00:17 - A new thicker red line shows the 7.5 metre setback from the high water mark. It also outlines how, due to shoreline irregularity, some small building areas might encroach on this setback. This video shows the area of encroachment into the 7.5 meter setback zone based on the preliminary design and not the final design of the proponents. The maximum encroachment into the 7.5 metre setback based on the actual designs created by the three proponents will be less than 4 per cent of the setback area. The CRD and the Township of Esquimalt staff have worked together to develop a revised bylaw which allows for this encroachment. 00:17 -- 00:24 - A red shaded area outlines the 20m low height area. The revised bylaw allows for some low height area relaxation which will allow some 12 metre high building within this area. Buildings higher than 5 meters high off the ground must take up less than 35% the total coverage of the low height area and less than 35% of the total length of the waterline. 00:27 -- 00:33 - The total site area is 1.47 Hectares. The proponents submitting proposals to design and build the Treatment Plant confirm that a high capacity, architecturally significant facility in harmony with the shoreline and the harbour can be built at McLoughlin Point. The designs proposed by the three proponents are all consistent with Esquimalt's Design Guidelines developed through a public process. 00:33 -- 00:39 --Shows building elevation above sea level (EL means elevation above sea level). No building will be built more than 12 meters high off the ground. 00:39 -- 00: 50 -- Final design will include a public pedestrian walkway and observation deck. 00:50 -- 00:55 -- A representation of the 6.1 meter high seawall is outlined at this point. All available modeling of a tsunami surge from a large (magnitude 9) earthquake of the coast of Vancouver Island have been reviewed in order to develop a design that would withstand a tsunami. A 2.5 metre tsunami wave height was identified in a CRD Emergency Planning study for an earthquake on the Cascadia fault. A 6.1 metre high tsunami wall will be established for the Treatment Plant. The height of the tsunami wall incorporates a safety factor and allows for storm surge and projected sea level rise due to climate change.
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