joi, 15 septembrie 2016

Serta iComfort Savant III Plush Mattress Comfort Depth with Jed Secret 60% off at Us Mattress
"See How this Mattress Feels. With Comfort Depth Measurements, You'll Know! See how far you'll sink into our mattresses – see how they'll feel. With our Comfort Depth measurements you'll know how a mattress will feel (vs. a 30 second laydown test in a store.) It's easy to use: See how far you sink into your current mattress. Lay on your side or back, depending how you sleep. Estimate with your hand how far down into the mattress your shoulders or hips sink into the bed. Decide if you want a firmer, softer or about the same feel in a new mattress Use our Comfort Depth measurements to guide your selection Example: If you sink about 5 inches at your hips and you want a similar feel in a new mattress, consider beds of a similar depth – those that have a hip Comfort Depth of 4-6 inches. If you want a somewhat softer feel, then consider 7-8 inches, etc. Get more details on this mattress on our website at

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