sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Robbery Xmas Day 2013 at Parsons Outdoor Power Equipment Erina

http://tidd.ly/a2271196 Extra 30%oFF all clearance Milletsports
The following footage is of a dumb ass steeling our work truck and equipment from Parsons Outdoor Power Equipment at Erina NSW please share it so we can catch name and asham this low life it happen around 4:55 till about 7:30 as the crook took his time and destroy a couple machines with screw drivers trying to start machine the wrong way we hope you will help us catch this low life so he can get whats coming to him and show other crooks that everything they do have ruined it for everyone else as we use that truck for pretty much everything deliveries and a lot of stock transfer for that truck to be gone has set us back alot espeical around christmas. if you have any idea who he might be please contact gosford police as for a small business owner it would be greatly appreciated if we caught him as this is the second time in 6 weeks and is making life very difficult hope we can put this low life to shame some people need to get a life and work for a living not ruin others get off your ass and work to make money not steal other hard earned cash !!!!!!!!!

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