sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Balto and Jenna [[She's Finding Me Out]]

http://tiny.cc/bhldux Save 65% at MagicDvdRipper
uh ohhh, another Balto video! yessir, I figured it was finally time to make another one so I downloaded Magic DVD Ripper and off I went. There's not much effects to this one, but I might go back and fix that in the future :] The song is She's Finding Me Out by The Friday Night Boys. I love it. I'll try to make more Balto videos in the future (ohh maybe I'll make some Lion King videos too!!) but first I gotta find good songs. And this video ends happy because Jenna finds out that she actually wants Balto and they kiss. OOOHHHHH!!!! So with that said, enjoy it!

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