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The sound is back!! yay, but just in case something goes wrong you can still see the vid here: So for one of my Christmas gifts my mom bought me a DVD ripping program (thank you FerryboatDreamer for recommending Magic DVD Ripper). So now I have access to any and all fandoms that I would like to vid for :) I have been wanting to vid this song for a LONG time but it has been done to all the TV fandoms I'd like to vid it for so I got to thinking what else I could apply it to and then I remembered one of my all time favorite movies, 'Cold Mountain.' It fits Ada and Inman's relationship perfectly! I have loved their love story since the first time I ever saw this movie. I am a sucker for epic love stories and this one just melts me every time I watch it, lol. I do not want to spoil the movie for you (sorry to those of you who haven't seen it). So very briefly their story is of two young people who do not fit well into the social scene and find comfort in just being together without the words. Given that this film takes place during the times of the American Civil War, Inman has to go off and fight the Yanks up North. Struggling to keep her farm and survive the hard times, Ada writes to Inman everyday in hopes of hearing back from him. She writes over 100 letters but Inman only receives 3, the last of which asks him to stop fighting and come home to her. Now if you know anything about the military or history you'll know that a soldier cannot just walk out whenever he pleases. But Inman, having been critically injured, survives and decides he's had enough of fighting and walks home to Cold Mountain. I don't want to give anything else away but the struggles these two characters go through to survive and be with each other is just amazing and makes this film one of the best! I really hope you like this video, even if you haven't seen the movie I hope you'll watch it! It's not spectacular or anything but I did put some hard work into it and this is my first movie fanvid that I've made with Sony Vegas (the others were made with Windows Movie Maker). I was really excited I got to vid this film and hopefully I'll be vidding more movies now that I have access to them! PLEASE RATE, COMMENT and ENJOY this video :D
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