sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2016

Rustic Oak Rounded Extending Table

A modern range with a more traditional style, this dark brown oak collection is sure to add a striking look to any room. You are sure to find something for your every need.Home assembly required.All oak is sourced from managed North American stocks.Rustic Oak Round Flip Top Extending Table DimensionsPlease note that all sizes are subject to a tolerance of +/- 2%, and quoted in mm.1320-1650mm Oval (HxWxL): 780 x 915 x 1320mm (2 Leaf)1610-2110mm Oval (HxWxL): 780 x 915 x 1610mm (2 Leaf)1250-1650mm Round (HxWxL): 780 x 1250 x 1250mm (1 Leaf)  Click the banner to get it at ONLY: GBP449
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